Bio Meridian Test (MSA)
Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) is used to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of a person's energetic health and balance. This process involves measuring electrical conductivity at responsive points on the hands and feet. The locations of the test points generally correspond to those of acupuncture points. These measurements are recorded to help provide a profile of a person's present condition. This technology is used in various health care practices around the world. It gives practitioners more information to consider, while trying to bring their client's energetic disturbances back into balance.
According to European medical research, acupuncture points are related to the body's organs and organ systems. Major groups of points are connected through channels, or meridians.
As a person moves toward or away from health, the condition of any particular organ or system can be sensed along the meridians at representative points. As a result, stress associated with the corresponding organs can be surveyed using the indicated points.
After the initial measurements have been taken and recorded, the results can be reviewed. If stress values are above or below equilibrium, the Systems extensive computer database will allow consideration of a wide range of possibilities that might help the client regain a healthy balance.
Some of the more recognizable devices that are based on bioelectrical impedance measurement include EKGs and EEGs used to measure heart and brain function. There is substantial scientific information supporting BIM testing.
According to European medical research, acupuncture points are related to the body's organs and organ systems. Major groups of points are connected through channels, or meridians.
As a person moves toward or away from health, the condition of any particular organ or system can be sensed along the meridians at representative points. As a result, stress associated with the corresponding organs can be surveyed using the indicated points.
After the initial measurements have been taken and recorded, the results can be reviewed. If stress values are above or below equilibrium, the Systems extensive computer database will allow consideration of a wide range of possibilities that might help the client regain a healthy balance.
Some of the more recognizable devices that are based on bioelectrical impedance measurement include EKGs and EEGs used to measure heart and brain function. There is substantial scientific information supporting BIM testing.